Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Natural Disaster Of California - 1641 Words

Most societal problems can be easy to identify such as a rise in crime or the effects of a natural disaster such as an earthquake. There is a natural disaster that is currently facing the state of California in particular which is much harder to overcome – the drought. According to state government officials, California is experiencing one of the driest decades in recorded history and the drought is so severe that the governor, Jerry Brown, declared a state of emergency in 2014 because of it. Since the state of emergency, governor issued the first regulatory policy through Executive Order B-29-15 on April 1st 2015 to fight the drought. A drought is unique in that it is very hard to determine when the problem actually started and when it is expected to end since periods of wet weather are almost impossible to know for sure. Therefore, policy to fight the drought can be very tricky seeing that officials really don’t know when the problem will end and therefore, how much t o spend in time and resources to combat it now. This isn’t the first drought California experiences and therefore there are certainly lessons that can be learned from the past and from other countries that have experienced severe droughts (Saharan Africa and Australia). However, in terms of assessing drought policy, this paper will strictly focus on analyzing the development, implementation, and outcomes of Executive Order B-29-15 following the assumption of Leslie Pal (2014, p. 97) who states that â€Å"the coreShow MoreRelatedReducing the Impact of Natural Disasters868 Words   |  4 PagesNatural Disasters are unfortunate events that can occur at any moment, anywhere in the world and have a huge effect on the landscape and the society being hit. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Essay about Early Modern Jewish History - 1399 Words

Early modern Jewish history is filled with depth and knowledge that captivated and cultivated the religion into what it would become. An important part of the history were the ideologies and philosophies of Moses Mendelssohn. Considered the first modern Jewish philosopher and a shaper of Judaism, Mendelssohn was the start of what would become the Jewish Enlightenment. Being the first person to translate the Bible from Hebrew to German, he opened up the door for Jews to rediscover and enhance their knowledge. A writer and philosopher, several of Mendelssohns writings were highly successful and considered a herald to a new way of thinking. While many of his writings received praise from people of different parts, critiques arose, including†¦show more content†¦A main goal that Mendelssohn hoped to accomplish was to end discrimination and establish human equality. Mendelssohn initiated the next challenge that occurred between him and another colleague, Christian Wilhelm von Doh m. Prompted my Mendelssohn, he believed that Jews should be given the same rights as all the other citizens and Jews should be given the right to better themselves. Dohms belief of the Jewish religion included the right of synagogues to excommunicate any members. Mendelssohn beliefs were different from Dohm, as he believed that religion is not a matter in which state authorities should interfere with and that people have the right to believe in what they want to. As stated in his response to Dohm, â€Å"But a quiet and inoffensive attendance at a meeting may not be forbidden even to an offender, unless we purposely want to bar him from every road to reformation. The doors of the house of rational devotion require neither bars nor bolts. â€Å"1 To Mendelssohn, excommunication is not the matter in which any situation should be dealt with, as it is an obstruction and simply ending a road that any person may use to enlighten and better himself. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Alone in the dark Essay Example For Students

Alone in the dark Essay Robert Frost was indeed one of the most important and influential writers in the history of American Literature. His unique style and incredible use of imageries give his readers a deep understanding of his works. In his poem, Acquainted with the Night, by using a smooth and static rhythm, bleak and dreary imageries, unique diction, and well-thought syntax of sentences, Frost conveys a feeling of lonesome and isolation. The poems beat is very calm and is in perfect iambic pentameter, which creates a nice and easy flow throughout the poem, giving the reader a sense of solitude. The rhyming scheme of the poem is in a form called a terza rhima, a rhyming effect usually achieved with extreme difficulty, but Frost did it with sheer genius, allowing the reader to more easily read the poem by identifying one line with another. This arrangement of rhymes further emphasizes the peaceful sound of the poem. In line ten, the author changes the spelling of the word goodbye to good-by, reasons bei ng that one, to rhyme with the latter line, two to highlight the syllable by, which is a stressed sound of this line. By emphasizing this word, Frost again indicate the situation of being left alone, being discarded into the dark city, whether it is by a person, or by society. Frosts use of vivid imageries expresses his feeling of puzzlement, lonesomeness, and isolation. In line two, by using the indication of rain, it gives the reader a feel of the bleak, dark environment. Lines such as I have walked the furthest city light and I have looked down the saddest city lane give the reader a vivid image of the endless dark avenue, the dying streetlight, and the lonely walk in an unfamiliar town (3,4). By presenting the night watchman, the reader can connect him with the character of the night watchman, who stands as the symbol of seclusion. Later on in the poem, he leads the readers to imagine not only an image, but also a sound, When far away an interrupted cry. This sound further empha sizes the situation he is in, when the author states, But not to call me back or say good-by, which indicated that the sound was not meant for him (8,10). Through this sound imagery, the reader can infer the feeling of disappointment and rejection the author feels as he strode down the strange city.What adds to Frosts style of vivid imagery even more is his diction. He chooses words that are strong enough create a lively picture, but yet still soft to fit the mellow flow of the poem. In line twelve, his use of the word luminary strikes the readers mind with its sound (onomatopoeia), which brings the picture of the moon in front of the reader. Using line eleven, he states his feeling of desperation and hopelessness, in which he describes the moon as at an unearthly height, meaning that hope is unreachable, and loneliness is unavoidable. While seeing the moon, the only light and hope of the city, the author conveys his mixed feelings of right or wrong. Frost uses the method of repetit ion to further cross his point presented to the reader. First, by using I have as the beginning of each sentence for lines one through five, seven and fourteen, he strikes the point of his own acquaintance, conveying a more personal feeling, allowing the reader to relate and place his/herself into the situation as the loner in the dark world. Then, in line 2, he uses the word rain twice to create and embellish the dark and bleak environment as the setting. Finally, his usage of the line I have been one acquainted with the night in both the first line and the last line, serves two purposes. As an opening, the sentence leads the reader to predict the context, to wonder what he is about to tell them about his acquaintance with the night. As a closing, this same sentence serves to conclude his sadness, and to end his story with the audience, as if they were watching. .u39902cf03bdaff771e9009a88d05eed7 , .u39902cf03bdaff771e9009a88d05eed7 .postImageUrl , .u39902cf03bdaff771e9009a88d05eed7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u39902cf03bdaff771e9009a88d05eed7 , .u39902cf03bdaff771e9009a88d05eed7:hover , .u39902cf03bdaff771e9009a88d05eed7:visited , .u39902cf03bdaff771e9009a88d05eed7:active { border:0!important; } .u39902cf03bdaff771e9009a88d05eed7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u39902cf03bdaff771e9009a88d05eed7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u39902cf03bdaff771e9009a88d05eed7:active , .u39902cf03bdaff771e9009a88d05eed7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u39902cf03bdaff771e9009a88d05eed7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u39902cf03bdaff771e9009a88d05eed7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u39902cf03bdaff771e9009a88d05eed7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u39902cf03bdaff771e9009a88d05eed7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u39902cf03bdaff771e9009a88d05eed7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u39902cf03bdaff771e9009a88d05eed7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u39902cf03bdaff771e9009a88d05eed7 .u39902cf03bdaff771e9009a88d05eed7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u39902cf03bdaff771e9009a88d05eed7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Environmental Threats Essay This poems gloomy and miserable tone intends to express the feeling of seclusion that everyone feels. Whether a stranger in the city, or a loner in the town, Frosts intention is for the poem to connect to every readers heart. His utilization of visual imagery, diction, syntax, and a nice flowing rhyme and meter allows the readers to connect more easily, and to understand the poem more readily. Bibliography:

Sunday, December 1, 2019

W.R.1 - Inquiry Activity Essays - Jewish Cuisine, Diets,

W.R.1 - Inquiry Activity Many people fail to realise that dietary laws actually do exist in our society. In many religions there are great restrictions and guidelines that must be followed when it comes to food selection which dates back to the biblical era. Kashrut (the Jewish dietary laws) is a perfect example of these laws. There are however other issues that affect our choice in food including our moral and ethical values, health reasons, self discipline and of course social reasons. Hypothesis What affect do dietary laws have on the food selection and consumption of Jews? Definition of Terms Affect- to act on or influence. Dietary Laws- Laws (usually religious) that control and persuade a certain religion or race on their choice of food. Selection- a choice Consumption- the act of consuming Consume- to use or absorb all of something Jew- a person of Judaic race or religion Method 1. On Friday 5th February I searched the Internet for information on "Jewish Dietary Laws". 2. On Saturday 6th February I searched the Internet for information on "Kashrut". 3. On Monday 8th February I searched the Internet for information on "religion". 4. On Thursday 11th February I searched the Internet for information On "Judaism" 5. On Saturday 13th February I read through various Encyclopedias and dictionaries for meanings of words and to look up Judaism. 6. On Sunday 14th February I searched the Internet for information on Religious Practices and Beliefs and also on Kosher Restaurants. Kashrut is the Dietary Laws of the Jewish. These laws come from the bible and have been elaborated on over the years. For those observant Jews, Kashrut controls the selection, consumption and preparation of all food. When most people eat, it is an instinctive thing. Rarely do you think about it when you grab something to eat. Jews however who obey the Kashrut laws make regular choices about the food that they eat. Many believe that these Dietary Laws make you less instinctive because you are constantly contemplating everything that you do and therefore go through life as a more observant person. Those practicing Judaism are allowed to eat meat as long as the animal has cloven hooves and chews its cud. This does not include pigs of course, rabbits, dogs, cats, horses and whales. The laws however allow them to eat lamb, beef, venison, mutton, goat, turkey, chicken and doves. The reason these animals are eaten is partly because of their symbolism. Animals with split hooves are seen as tranquil and domesticated with no natural weapons and these are the characteristics that the Jewish wishes to absorb when they eat. They refuse to eat scavengers, carnivores or birds of prey because they do not admire these characteristics. The Jewish Dietary Laws define food as either "kosher" (right, proper, fit) or "trefah" (torn, unclean, forbidden) . I believe that these would be the spiritual influences behind the Jew's choice of food for they believe that they will absorb the animals good characteristics once they have eaten the animal. Milk dishes must also be cooked and eaten separately to meat dishes. It is not known why this is, but it states in the bible several times " a kid may not be cooked in his mothers milk" It is believed that this is the reason why Hebrews did not participate in pagan rituals of animal sacrifice. Between a milk meal (a meal containing dairy products) and a meat meal a person MUST either rinse out their mouth or eat a morsel of bread. There is no waiting period for this but if the meat was consumed first then a person must wait at least three hours before consuming a meal containing milk. In most homes there are two sets of utensils and dishes, one for milk meals and the other for meat. These are used, stored and cleaned separately as is the table linen as the bible says. At any Jewish wedding alcohol has always been popular, traditionally being a glass of wine or a glass of schnapps. The glass raised today however seems to be entirely different to that of the past. Now instead of simply wine and schnapps at weddings there are full bars with every type of alcohol imaginable. This would be a social reason that has expanded over the